

One of the most useful, but often misunderstood and misconfigured, features of NGINX is rate limiting. It allows you to limit the amount of HTTP requests a user can make in a given period of time. A request can be as simple as a GET request for the homepage of a website or a POST request on a log‑in form.

最有用的但又是最容易被错误理解和错误配置的NGINX特性就是rate limiting, 它允许你限制一个用户在给定时间段内的HTTP请求的数量,一个请求可以是一个简单的网页的主页的GET请求,或者是一个log-in表单的POST请求

Rate limiting can be used for security purposes, for example to slow down brute‑force password‑guessing attacks. It can help protect against DDoS attacks by limiting the incoming request rate to a value typical for real users, and (with logging) identify the targeted URLs. More generally, it is used to protect upstream application servers from being overwhelmed by too many user requests at the same time.

Rate limiting可以用于安全目的,比如用来减慢暴力(brute-force)破解密码攻击,他可以限制将要到来的请求速率到真实用户的典型值以防止DDos攻击。并且(通过日志)识别目标URLs,更广泛的说,它被用来保护上游的应用服务器不会被同一时间的太多的用户请求所淹没。

In this blog we will cover the basics of rate limiting with NGINX as well as more advanced configurations. Rate limiting works the same way in NGINX Plus.

在这个blog我将会介绍NGINX rate limiting的基础知识,以及高级配置,Rate limiting 在NGINX Plus的工作方式是一样的。

To learn more about rate limiting with NGINX, watch our on-demand webinar.
要了解更多的NGINX rate limiting, 请观看我们的点播网络研讨会

NGINX Plus R16 and later support “global rate limiting”: the NGINX Plus instances in a cluster apply a consistent rate limit to incoming requests regardless of which instance in the cluster the request arrives at. (State sharing in a cluster is available for other NGINX Plus features as well.) For details, see our blog and the NGINX Plus Admin Guide.

NGINX Plus R16 以及之后的版本支持“全局rate limiting”:一个集群中的NGINX Plus实例对正进来的请求应用一个一致的rate limit, 不管请求到达的是集群中的哪一个实例。(一个集群中的状态共享对其他的NGINX plus特性也是可用的),详情请见我们的博客以及《NGINX Plus管理指南》

NGINX Rate Limiting 是怎样工作的?(How NGINX Rate Limiting Works)

NGINX rate limiting uses the leaky bucket algorithm, which is widely used in telecommunications and packet‑switched computer networks to deal with burstiness when bandwidth is limited. The analogy is with a bucket where water is poured in at the top and leaks from the bottom; if the rate at which water is poured in exceeds the rate at which it leaks, the bucket overflows. In terms of request processing, the water represents requests from clients, and the bucket represents a queue where requests wait to be processed according to a first‑in‑first‑out (FIFO) scheduling algorithm. The leaking water represents requests exiting the buffer for processing by the server, and the overflow represents requests that are discarded and never serviced.


配置基本的Rate Limiting(Configuring Basic Rate Limiting)

Rate limiting is configured with two main directives, and , as in this example:

Rate limiting是通过两个主要的指令配置的:limit_req_zonelimit_req,如本例所示:

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s;

server {
    location /login/ {
        limit_req zone=mylimit;

        proxy_pass http://my_upstream;

Thelimit_req_zone directive defines the parameters for rate limiting while limit_req enables rate limiting within the context where it appears (in the example, for all requests to /login/).

limit_req_zone指令定义了Rate Limiting的参数,当limit_req在它出现的上下文中启用Rate Limiting。(在本例中上下文是所有/login/请求)

The limit_req_zone directive is typically defined in the http block, making it available for use in multiple contexts. It takes the following three parameters:


  • Key – Defines the request characteristic against which the limit is applied. In the example it is the NGINX variable $binary_remote_addr, which holds a binary representation of a client’s IP address. This means we are limiting each unique IP address to the request rate defined by the third parameter. (We’re using this variable because it takes up less space than the string representation of a client IP address, $remote_addr).

    Key – 针对被应用的限制去定义请求特征,在这个例子就是指NGINX的$binary_remote_addr变量,这个变量可以持有一个用二进制表示的客户端IP地址,这意味着我们限制每一个独立IP地址的请求速率为第三个参数定义的值。(我们使用这个变量的原因是它比用string表示的客户端IP地址$remote_addr占用的空间少)

  • Zone – Defines the shared memory zone used to store the state of each IP address and how often it has accessed a request‑limited URL. Keeping the information in shared memory means it can be shared among the NGINX worker processes. The definition has two parts: the zone name identified by the zone= keyword, and the size following the colon. State information for about 16,000 IP addresses takes 1 ;megabyte, so our zone can store about 160,000 addresses.

    Zone – 定义了用来存储每个IP地址的状态和访问被限制URL的频率的共享内存区,存储在共享内存中的信息在NGINX工作进程间共享,这个定义分为两部分:区域的名称由zone=keyword确定,区域的大小在冒号之后,16000个IP地址的状态信息需要1M字节,因此我们的区域可以存储160000个地址(在这个示例中我们配置的是10M)。

    If storage is exhausted when NGINX needs to add a new entry, it removes the oldest entry. If the space freed is still not enough to accommodate the new record, NGINX returns status code 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable). Additionally, to prevent memory from being exhausted, every time NGINX creates a new entry it removes up to two entries that have not been used in the previous 60 seconds.


  • Rate – Sets the maximum request rate. In the example, the rate cannot exceed 10 requests per second. NGINX actually tracks requests at millisecond granularity, so this limit corresponds to 1 request every 100 milliseconds (ms). Because we are not allowing for bursts (see the next section), this means that a request is rejected if it arrives less than 100ms after the previous permitted one.

    Rate – 设置最大请求速率,在这个例子中,请求速率不能超过10个每秒,NGINX实际上是以毫秒为粒度跟踪来请求,所以这个限制对应每100毫秒一个请求,因为我们不允许爆发式的请求(见下一节),这意味着如果两个请求之间间隔小于100毫秒,第二个请求将会被拒绝。

The limit_req_zone directive sets the parameters for rate limiting and the shared memory zone, but it does not actually limit the request rate. For that you need to apply the limit to a specific location or server block by including a limit_req directive there. In the example, we are rate limiting requests to /login/.


So now each unique IP address is limited to 10 requests per second for /login/ – or more precisely, cannot make a request for that URL within 100ms of its previous one.


Handling Bursts 应对突发流量

What if we get 2 requests within 100ms of each other? For the second request NGINX returns status code 503 to the client. This is probably not what we want, because applications tend to be bursty in nature. Instead we want to buffer any excess requests and service them in a timely manner. This is where we use the burst parameter to limit_req, as in this updated configuration:

location /login/ {
limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20;
proxy_pass http://my_upstream;

The burst parameter defines how many requests a client can make in excess of the rate specified by the zone (with our sample mylimit zone, the rate limit is 10 requests per second, or 1 every 100ms). A request that arrives sooner than 100ms after the previous one is put in a queue, and here we are setting the queue size to 20.
That means if 21 requests arrive from a given IP address simultaneously, NGINX forwards the first one to the upstream server group immediately and puts the remaining 20 in the queue. It then forwards a queued request every 100ms, and returns 503 to the client only if an incoming request makes the number of queued requests go over 20.

如果我们两次请求之间间隔小于100ms会怎么样?第二个请求NGINX回返回503状态码,这可能不是我们想要的,因为应用程序本质上是倾向于突发多请求的, 相反,我们希望缓冲任何多余的请求,并及时为它们提供服务。这就是我们使用limit_req的burst参数的地方,如这个新的配置:

location /login/ {
    limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20;
    proxy_pass http://my_upstream;



Queueing with No Delay 无延迟的排队

A configuration with burst results in a smooth flow of traffic, but is not very practical because it can make your site appear slow. In our example, the 20th packet in the queue waits 2 seconds to be forwarded, at which point a response to it might no longer be useful to the client. To address this situation, add the nodelay parameter along with the burst parameter:

location /login/ {
limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;
proxy_pass http://my_upstream;

With the nodelay parameter, NGINX still allocates slots in the queue according to the burst parameter and imposes the configured rate limit, but not by spacing out the forwarding of queued requests. Instead, when a request arrives “too soon”, NGINX forwards it immediately as long as there is a slot available for it in the queue. It marks that slot as “taken” and does not free it for use by another request until the appropriate time has passed (in our example, after 100ms).

Suppose, as before, that the 20‑slot queue is empty and 21 requests arrive simultaneously from a given IP address. NGINX forwards all 21 requests immediately and marks the 20 slots in the queue as taken, then frees 1 slot every 100ms. (If there were 25 requests instead, NGINX would immediately forward 21 of them, mark 20 slots as taken, and reject 4 requests with status 503.)

Now suppose that 101ms after the first set of requests was forwarded another 20 requests arrive simultaneously. Only 1 slot in the queue has been freed, so NGINX forwards 1 request and rejects the other 19 with status 503. If instead 501ms have passed before the 20 new requests arrive, 5 slots are free so NGINX forwards 5 requests immediately and rejects 15.

The effect is equivalent to a rate limit of 10 requests per second. The nodelay option is useful if you want to impose a rate limit without constraining the allowed spacing between requests.

Note: For most deployments, we recommend including the burst and nodelay parameters to the limit_req directive.


location /login/ {
    limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;

    proxy_pass http://my_upstream;

有了nodelay参数,NGINX仍然根据burst参数分配队列中的插槽,并施加配置的速率限制,但不是通过间隔转发队列中的请求来进行。相反,当一个请求 "过早 "到达时,只要队列中有一个空位,NGINX就会立即转发它。它把这个空位标记为 "已被占用",直到适当的时间过去(在我们的例子中,100ms之后)才会释放出来供其他请求使用。





Two-Stage Rate Limiting 两阶段限速

With NGINX Plus R17 or NGINX Open Source 1.15.7 you can configure NGINX to allow a burst of requests to accommodate the typical web browser request pattern, and then throttle additional excessive requests up to a point, beyond which additional excessive requests are rejected. Two-stage rate limiting is enabled with the delay parameter to the limit_req directive.

To illustrate two‑stage rate limiting, here we configure NGINX to protect a website by imposing a rate limit of 5 requests per second (r/s). The website typically has 4–6 resources per page, and never more than 12 resources. The configuration allows bursts of up to 12 requests, the first 8 of which are processed without delay. A delay is added after 8 excessive requests to enforce the 5 r/s limit. After 12 excessive requests, any further requests are rejected.

使用NGINX Plus R17或NGINX Open Source 1.15.7,你可以将NGINX配置为允许突发请求以适应典型的Web浏览器请求模式,然后节制额外的过量请求,直到一个点,超过这个点,额外的过量请求将被拒绝。两阶段速率限制是通过limit_req指令的延迟参数启用的。

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=ip:10m rate=5r/s;

server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        limit_req zone=ip burst=12 delay=8;
        proxy_pass http://website;

The delay parameter defines the point at which, within the burst size, excessive requests are throttled (delayed) to comply with the defined rate limit. With this configuration in place, a client that makes a continuous stream of requests at 8 r/s experiences the following behavior.


Illustration of rate‑limiting behavior with rate=5r/s burst=12 delay=8

The first 8 requests (the value of delay) are proxied by NGINX Plus without delay. The next 4 requests (burst – delay) are delayed so that the defined rate of 5 r/s is not exceeded. The next 3 requests are rejected because the total burst size has been exceeded. Subsequent requests are delayed.

前8个请求(延迟值)由NGINX Plus代理,没有延迟。接下来的4个请求(burst – delay)被延迟,以便不超过5r/s的定义速率。接下来的3个请求被拒绝,因为已经超过了总突发量。后续的请求被延迟。




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